Photographic trek with CAI photographer Giorgio Barbato

Saturday, October 19
Photographic trek with CAI photographer Giorgio Barbato

9 a.m.
Difficulty: E = Hiking
Length; 10.5 km
Walking time: 4.5h (excluding stops)
Height difference: 760 mt approx.
CAI routes: 129a, 125a,125 and 127
Lunch: packed
Bring camera/phone and a notebook with ballpoint pen
Technical clothing suitable for the season. Dogs allowed on leash

Organize and accompany: Lucia 320-0250463 (evening hours or Wa). Registration by Oct. 16.
During the walk photographer Giorgio Barbato will guide us to find the best shots in the environment.

9:15 a.m. Meet at the fountain of health in front of Elena bar.
9:30 a.m. Departure on trail 129a to Saltiolo Pass, then head with trail 125a to Monte Grande, an open-air terrace on Corno alle Scale. We will descend from trail 125, which passes by Budiara, where we will have a debriefing with aperitif, in front of Giorgio’s photo projection. Then we will return to the village from 127.

On the way back photo projection and aperitif (cost and reservation at registration) at the Budiara, by BarH of Vidiciatico.