Roma Hotel


With a unique Art nouveau style, the hotel is located in the historic center of Porretta Terme, pleasant resort on the slopes of the Apennines, a few kilometers from Bologna and Florence. Cozy in style and ambiance, it is the ideal place for those who love to spend their holidays intensely.

With 44 rooms, including bathroom, television, minibar, telephone and wi-fi connection, it also has a large solarium and private parking.

Thanks to its geographical position, located in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, surrounded by beautiful mountains with charming vegetation and its altitude of 349 meters above sea level, Porretta Terme is the ideal place to spend your holidays among nature, health and beauty.

The Roma Hotel offers the chance to take advantage of Porretta Terme thermal waters, which, gushing from pure sources and rich in mineral salts, naturally restore your body balance. Bathing in the thermal waters means healthy and ancient activities with inimitable therapeutic properties.